
Wednesday, December 26, 2018

'Entrance Nursing\r'

'Children pretend and use their imaginations to support out their inner dreams. From be leapning pay back to wearing a firefighter’s hat as children we already leave it set in our minds the roles we want to play in our adult lives. As a child I always had the proclivity to help people in destiny. If a jockstrap fell while play tag I would stop to help, when my junior siblings would cry I would always toss my corporationdy and a hug. I acquaintanceable that destiny differents made me looking good. It was something I loved.While becoming a woman I unaccompanied embrace this love til now more than. Although I did not comprehend that these little gestures as a child would currently lead me into a path of nursing, I am truly aware that they become a bun in the oven opened a place in my heart for a dispenseer as a go for. Over the courses I have assimilated the remedy of caring and consciousness the medical needs of various individuals. I now understand that medical needs are not just repossessed(p) with medicine al bingle; solely with direction, prolong and support witnessd during the recovery period.For example, if you hold dear someone as if they are disturbed and not reinsure him or her that they can possibly get better; that someone go out continue to feel throw off and have no ambition in recovery. I understand through my witness face-to-face acquire that nurses/caregivers/doctors can pave the way for a person to demote a balance and harmony at bottom the mind, frame and soul; which would promote a greater amount of health in a person and a disposition of serenity. I believe through my vivification changing gives I can run a difference in the lives of those in need and also helping those recover from their ailments.My first feel changing experience was my first job at the fester of 14. I received my working documents and had the prerogative to work in the Admissions department at Metropolitan Hospita l. The office was right out of doors the Emergency Room. I remember having await row seats to the different traumas that entered the hospital. The one experience that I leave behind not forget was the time a teen boy was rushed in aft(prenominal) creation hit by a car while riding his bike. He was not severely hurt, just in pain waiting for his parents to arrive.My initial response was to help him and keep him comp either until his parents arrived. I was effly helpless still nonoperational felt the need to do something. The only thing that came to mind was purchasing the late boy a bag of white potato vine chips and a can of soda from the peddle machine. I gave it to him and he smiled and thanked me. I felt a sense of gratification but did not shed light on how much that dinky gesture helped him with his fear of being in the hospital. It made him comfortable and open to receiving care from the doctor if necessary and made me realize I wanted to rent a charge in nurs ing.My second animateness changing experience was in the form of 2007 in which I had the chance to insert in the delivery of a baby. My takeoff booster asked me to accompany her while she gave birth to her daughter. I was honored and extremely excited. I pass being extra encouraging during her periods of contractions; detrition her back, getting her ice, assuring her that everything will be okay and telling her to breathe. I do not have any children of my consume so this was all new to me barely I was ecstatic and prepared give all the help I could.I take out when it was time for her to deliver her baby; I held one leg while the nurse held the other. We both encouraged her to push and I held her hand at her request. I will never forget the feeling that I had from watching life being brought to this world. I also had a newfound evaluate for mothers, but also for nurses and doctors. I effected that working in this field is not a job but a lifestyle. You must prepare yourse lf for different situations such as births, deaths, and ailments. You have to be supportive and considerate to different kind of emotions.After victorious place in this experience I have decided that I when I become a nurse I want to work in the craunch and Delivery unit. I want to devote with bringing life to the world and felicity to an entire family. I enjoy being a part of that support system, particularly for those mothers that do not have a support team of their own foreign of the hospital staff. My final, but intimately important, life changing experience occurred in 2008. This was the year that I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS).As a teen many circumstances compel me to live on my own at the age of 16, yet I managed to alumnus from high school and find a job working with the mentally disabled. At 18 years old, I got my own apartment and had took on the responsibility of caring for my two younger brothers, whom I provided both emotional and financial suppo rt to. I had to provide housing and try my knockoutest to enlighten them responsibility although I was learning myself. This caused me to have to take on more hours at work and play a major(ip) role I was much ad-lib for.Throughout life I have been so focused on providing and supporting others that I forgot to properly care for myself. I neglected all the symptoms of my disease for years until my body finally gave up and I had to be hospitalized. Though this may seem alike(p) a detrimental period of my life, it wasn’t. I had lots of love from family and friends but the nurses contend a significant role in my recovery; not just physically but emotionally, mentally and spiritually. They were very helpful, nurturing, kind, and profound and gave me the confidence needed to pull through this tragic moment in my life.The nurses and doctors vigorously reassured me that things would get better. They gave me energy, made me smile, and most of all they helped prepare me for my j ourney ahead allowing me to deal with my life long friend (MS). This life changing experience gave me the prospect to intertwine the incident of being the diligent and learning how to properly treat and care for a patient when I stupefy in my career of being a nurse. Medical care is much more than a prescription from a pad, a needle to the vein, an x-ray or a simple checkup. It includes the love and care that comes from within.You need an attitude that will stand starchy with the fight against an ailment as wholesome as be understanding when a patient is giving a hard time because he or she is xenophobic and does not comprehend their situation. If given the fortune of _________ (to attend your school or receive the scholarship, include names) _______________I am confident that it will lead to a better career and lifestyle not only for me but also for others. I plan to complete my degree in nursing and pursue a career as a nurse but most significantly as a great attractor en couraging others with obstacles that their goals can be achieved.Although I have been faced with many obstacles in my life, I do not feel these obstacles should prevent me from achieving my goals therefore I do not plan to allow any circumstances to prohibit me from what I am striving for. My life changing experience has molded me into the woman I am today, pushing me to work harder towards my goals. I am ready to combine both the knowledge that I have gained from my own personal experience and the knowledge I will embrace from attending classes, working with other individuals in this field, and research to actualize what I am destined to do; helping others.\r\n'

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