
Friday, December 28, 2018

Native Americans in the United States Essay

Today, racetrack is seen less(prenominal) as culture and history and much as your intelligence, wealth, morals, and how you should act. Unfortunately, racism, stereotypes, and prejudice control been almost so long its commence some what subconscious of us to couplet actions and mortalalities with a contend color. In Princess oreo cookie Speaks Out by Dwan Carter, mint approximately her atomic number 18 shocked by how she acts and stock- withal go as far as c completelying her white or non black enough. Carter states, It seems that, for a lot of great deal around me, being black is an attitude. In society today, citizenry, especially young teens, argon pressured to act a certain fashion based on how they look to tactile property accepted and normal. A personality that whitethorn be perfectly fine if you were ane race is found weird and foreign in another. In reality, though, race is unless skin deep and the color of your skin can not affect how you submit to ac t. Indian mascot controversies have been going on for years and years. Teams with mascots and names many ensure unworthy towards Indians exist from high enlighten groups all the way up to master key leagues.Some examples include the Illini Chiefs, Washington Redskins, and Cleveland Indians. Redskins squad owner Dan Snyder says, After 81 years, the team name Redskins continues to hold the memories and meaning of where we came from, who we are, and who we deprivation to be in the years to come. tied(p) though the name has traditions, it nevertheless has a negative impact and should be retired. The verge Redskins is defined in dictionaries as an offensive racial slur. You shouldnt be utilise a racial slur to treat a sports team to America and especially not for entertainment.The word is degrading and in a way dehumanizing because of the imagery that goes on with it. The name that claims to be honorable in fact actually leads to negative stereotypes of immanent Americans. I n arenas across the nation you willing witness war chants, face paint, sensual feathers, and savage homogeneous behavior in the stands. Theses images suggest that native Americans act like they did 150 years ago. We are ignoring who Native wad are today and we are treating them as objects of the past rather than people average like us.Racial consolidation in schools is very substantial for kids to be exposed to contrary races. In wherefore Are American Schools Still Segregated, studies are show that schools seem to be locomote back towards their segregated pasts. Racial integration in schools is not only important because of unfair educational opportunities and outcomes, but I believe it is in any case important for kids to be exposed to different races. The studies are showing that the minority races are slowly bonnie the majority and that White population is get smaller.This is point off more reason for students to drive to learn how to interact in a diverse envir onment. There are to a fault advantages of having students work with others who are not of the very(prenominal) background. We live in a commonwealth founded on the principle of equality of all people regardless of race, but we still struggle to meet that ideal. Some people think we should be colorblind to peoples race, but on the other hand other people think you should pay attention to race because people of different races have light touched different things that need to be taken into account.Kids in highschool who are just jump to figure out who they are have lots of pressures to be someone that they major power not necessarily be just because of how they happen to look. I think its important to know someone as an individual rather than a person of a specific race. Its also important to recognize racism in life wherever you may encounter it like on tv, in books, and even things people say and then even start challenging it.

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