
Friday, December 14, 2018

'What Is the Immigrants American Dream?\r'

'?NANA YAA DWUMAAH ENG 102 B PROPOSAL What Is The Immigrants Ameri brook dreaming? If one is asked the future of this area, it is going to be a long debate and an unending communication ab protrude the failures and achievements of America. This is because different good deal see the alike subject in different light. The phrase â€Å"Ameri preserve Dream” has made thousands of people leave their inhering country boldly in calculate of every(prenominal) that they deem impossible in their country to be possible here. This is why when asked, what the future of this country devotes for its people, it give leave the people divided.\r\nDr. Martin Luther King best defines the American dream when he exquisitely explains the declaration of Independence. He highlights the fact that the American dream is not for a specific race or religion and that exclusively(prenominal) its benefits, that is a right to life and right to indecorum includes all mankind. These majestic words w ithin which lies the American dream is what people everywhere assay for in their country. They thirst for this dream, making the American dream a dream for all mankind and not alone its natives.\r\nThis is why America is country of people from so many racial and national backgrounds in search of a dream. Whereas Americans do not see how further this country has come, it takes only the immigrants to concord them truly cheer their country. Being an American, yet growing up in Africa makes this issue very interesting since I can relate to both sides. The idea of the American Dream is rooted in the second sentence of the Declaration of Independence which states that â€Å"all men are created enough”.\r\nThis statement is in any case backed by pack Truslow Adams interpretation of the American Dream which states that, citizens of every club should be able to achieve a â€Å" disclose, richer, and happier life. ” then at that place are no exceptions to who can an d cannot come after the American dream. In the American dream, Dr. Martin Luther King states, â€Å"never before in history of the world nominate so many national backgrounds assembled together in one nation. And somehow if we can’t function the problem in America the world can’t solve the problem, because America is the world in miniature and the world is America writ large.\r\nAnd immortal set us out with all of the opportunities. ” He then further states, â€Å"Are we taking this soberly? ‘All men are created equal. ’” (Juchartz 105). This is what I also question. This dream, I feel has been misinterpreted by immigrants, or better still immigrants suck in been lured at the forefront to hold on to this dream because it states â€Å"All men are created equal,” and perceive themselves as equal citizens of America. In reality, there are so many barriers rooted in the American system including racism, strict immigration laws that reserve prevented immigrants from sharing in this dream.\r\nIt should be taken into measure that if an individual is not a citizen he or she cannot benefit from what the country has to offer. Though the dream includes all men, race and religion, immigrants or the person outside the bloodless American mainstream are perceived as threats to conglomerate building and remain outsiders. This is what I mean when I retort that, the dream has been misinterpreted across various levels of people in America. I believe that the upper kinfolk and the lower class do not have the same benefits from this dream, but have similar notions of what it should be, comparison for everyone.\r\nEven though some immigrants might have managed to make a better life out of this dream some immigrants living in this country can barely make ends meet just because the American dream no longer reserve a hope for a better, richer and happier life. In now terms it is just about living in a western country and ex periencing perhaps modernity. It vanquish my imagination when I think about the forces that contain immigrants to leave their native country in search of this dream sometimes risking their lives, leaving loved ones fundament irrespective of the difficulties ahead. Maybe it is just to pursue a better education like myself or to watch money.\r\n'

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