
Monday, December 17, 2018

'The impacts of The UK’s withdrawal from The European Union on the Hotel Industry\r'

'Introduction\r\nThe hotel and adaptation sedulousness in the UK is a major upkeep for both multinational and SMEs in the country out-of-pocket to the attractiveness of UK as a tourist term on a world-wide scale. The surplus safari of persons across the euro zone has incr reliefd the frequency of incites among the EU member states, which has bolstered the tourism heavenss of the EU economies.This placement is more appargonnt in the UK where most of its irrelevant tourists emerge from the EU member states payable to ease of bowel movement of persons within the EU (Rolfe & Hudson-Sharp, 2016). Consequently, the hotel exertion in the UK is deeply depended on leisure and business give outlers from the UK. The ratiocination by Britain to withdraw from the European Union is a disaster for the tourism industry and specifically businesses manifold in providing tourists with accommodation services. There is a planetary serious concern for the UK’s hotel indus try as a result of the anticipated negative set up of Brexit on the pilgrimage industry in the UK.\r\nConstraints of bare(a) Movement\r\nThere is a strong tourism and travel flows between the EU and the UK. The destination for the volume of UK tourists is the EU, which is, in turn, the main source of international tourists introduction the UK (Rolfe & Hudson-Sharp, 2016). Travel and tourism trade between the EU and the UK has been expedited by the free movement of products and services, people and coronation across the Euro Zone. This free movement and the flow of travel and trade could be significantly affected by the implementation of the Brexit. The EU has dissimilar regulations that are knowing for the benefit of business travellers and holidaymakers. As much as most of these policies may not be altered immediately, UK’s withdrawal from the EU has significant coming(prenominal) implications. Free movement of people between the UK and separate EU member sta tes is supported by dissimilar regulations such as the monetary protection regulations for share holidays, flight delays compensations, access health cover temporary hookup traveling within the EU, and controls on mobile scream charges. In this look upon, Brexit entrust expose customers within the EU to higher prices and fares while considering UK as a travel destination, which might limit the scrap of the UK as a tourist destination for travellers from the EU (Milas et al., 2016). An immediate concern for the travellers’ hotels in the UK is the effect of uncertainty period that follows the trustworthy Brexit negotiations. Further, the period immediately after exit from the EU will be damaging to the Hotel industry in the UK. Specifically, an exit will culminate in towering travel hails and decreased travels between the UK and the EU. This would overly imply the collapse of the European Health insurance Card, which is an attractive package for travellers within t he EU. Consequently, for the hotel industry in the UK, the negative effects of Brexit far outweigh the sensed benefits.\r\nThe Cost-effectiveness of Human Capital\r\nThe hotel industry in the UK is a net employer of a significant round of immigrants from the EU. A consideration of changes that will affect the ability of the sector to recruit foreign nationals could affect many businesses in the hospitality sector with assess to filling various roles in that there is a general acquisition shortage in the UK’s labour merchandise (D’Angelo & Kofman, 2016). In this respect, the hospitality sector in the UK could oppose to fully recover from the withdrawal of UK from the EU in that the hotel industry in the country is dependent on the EU as a source of labour. Specifically, the granting immunity of movement within the EU is key to the sustainability of the hotel industry in the UK and therefore Brexit may affect the financial viability of various elements of the Hotel industry in the UK. For instance, hotels in the UK are able to provide timberland services at a lower cost when compared to its major competitors, Australia and the unify States as a result of its membership to the EU. Furthermore, the large customer base in the EU enables UK Hotels to blend in at capacity which means that they can draw out better prices and guarantee more visits and hence competitiveness of the UK tourism sector (Milas et al., 2016). The implementation of the Brexit implies that EU residents will not be able to freely turn tail as employees within the UK’s hotel industry. This will core the hotels to outsource some of its services to local firms, losing quality control and increasing the cost of hotel services by over 20 percent. Therefore, the membership of Britain within the EU is central to the existence of Hotels in the UK as cost effective quality service providers on a global scale.\r\nConclusion\r\nAs Brexit becomes a realness in the hot el industry in the UK, it is apparent that exiting from the EU may affect the sustainability of hotels from two points of view. Firstly, the collapse of free movement deal between the UK and other EU member states imply a significant chasten of foreign travellers in the UK due to cost and travel bureaucracy issues. Secondly, the possibility of a significant number of employees in the hotels industry facing deportation due to withdrawal from the EU imply increased available costs for hotels in the UK and ultimately a disapprove in their competitiveness on a global scale. Therefore, as plans for Brexit are being laid down, it is serious to consider the possibility of adopting policies that will ensure the hotel industry in the UK survives the Brexit process.\r\nReflective Summary\r\nThis reflection is founded on Gibbs (1988) Reflection Cycle. The decision to utilise this show up was root in the fact that it inspires a vibrant write up of the situation, examination of feelings, aim evaluation that enhances the ability of an several(prenominal) to make sense of all the experiences and ultimately be able to apply the acquired knowledge in associate situations (Gibbs, 1988). While the principle objective lens of this course was to look learning through developing academic skills, the approach taken in this course to achieve this objective merits a reflection. The course in both lectures and tutorial sessions involved the establishment and development of working exact bases. From the claim groups, I was exposed to numerous perspectives on what a study group is and numerous variations of study groups in different contexts and different purposes. In fact, as much as the same charge with respect to study assessment was provided, each state resulted in a unique study group. Despite these disparities, I gained fascinating insights in the study group practice, and I currently consider it to be among the most invaluable approach to exploring novel ideas and contributing practically to my professional person development. In addition, I noted that since the study group agenda is driven by the group members, the experience was highly personal and purposeful.\r\nThis model has been influential in my ability to develop excellent dialogue skills. Specifically, this faculty made me aware of the imperativeness of communication skills with respect to communicating with instructors and peers, bearing thoughts and reflection, depicting critical thinking during group discussions, and being culturally sensitive while talk of the town to peers. These are competencies that will build on my communication skills to assist me in my academic undertakings. Further, this module explores shipway of improving written forms of communication in that it is infixed for a student to be able to express him/herself through writing. This will be important to me when writing research papers, analytical case studies, speeches, and essays.\r\nReferences\r\nDâ₠¬â„¢Angelo, A., & Kofman, E. (2016). UK: large European Migration and the Challenge to EU Free Movement. In South-North Migration of EU Citizens in Times of Crisis (pp. 175-192). Springer planetary Publishing.\r\nGibbs, G. (1988). The reflective cycle. Kitchen S (1999) An appraisal of methods of reflection and clinical supervision. Br J Theatre Nurs, 9(7), 313-7.\r\nMilas, C., Worrall, T., & Zymek, R. (2016). Watch forbidden for Winners and Losers: Odd-?Implied Brexit Sentiment and FTSE Returns. Financial Times.\r\nRolfe, H., & Hudson-Sharp, N. (2016). The impact of free movement on the labour market: case studies of hospitality, fodder processing and construction. Retrieved from http://www.academia.edu/download/45123775/Free_movement_final_report.pdf\r\n'

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